1. Two factors which characterize intensive farming
ü Small farms
ü Huge capital
ü Skilled labour
ü Produce for sale
Mechanization done
2. Three reasons why organic farming is encouraged in farming
ü Cheap
ü Environmental friendly
No chemical residues in produce
3. Two ways in which Agriculture contributes to industrial development.
ü Provide raw materials for industries.
ü Provide market for industrial goods.
ü Is a source of capital for starting industries.
4. Four ways by which wind affects the growth of crops.
ü Causes physical damage to crops.
ü Cause rapid spread of diseases/ pests/ weeds.
ü Can cause water stress as a result of evaporation.
ü Causes stress of crops due to chilling caused cold winds.
ü Encourage transpiration hence water and mineral uptake.
5. One physical characteristic used in classifying soil is:
ü Colour,
ü Texture,
ü Structure
6. Four advantages of organic farming
1. Environmental friendly
2. Products do not have organic farming
3. Products do not have organic chemical residue
4. Improve soil structure
5. Replenishes nutrients in the soil as it uses organic manure
ü Improve soil structure
ü Replenishes nutrients in the soil as it uses organic manure
ü Enhances soil water retention
ü Provides food for soil microbes
ü Enhances soil water infiltration
7. Two conditions under which shifting cultivation is practiced are:
ü Can only be practiced where land is abundant
ü Practiced where population is sparse
ü Practiced where number of livestock per units low (2 ½mks)
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